The spread of malware by using botnet

In today's article we will know how hackers can control your computer by making them zombie, why they do this and how to save your computer from this attack. So let's get started ...

You know what botnet ?


Botnet is a huge network created by connecting many computers simultaneously. Each computer connected to a Botany is called a bot. This bot can be any computer. Even if you are infected with malware in your computer. Then your computer will go under a botnet. This botnet is run by a third party criminal organization. Anyway, this Botnet is actually created to spread viruses. Or for spamming. So much so that this computer can have enough computers under the Botanet that they can be able to fight and they can D-DOS attack. 

                                          You know what Zombie computer ?

Zombie Computer refers to computers that are infected by viruses, malware, or Trojans, and are being controlled by others. It means that Maybe a single person is controlling your computer again, a team of hackers is controlling your computer. And the most horrific thing is that you will not have any idea what to do with your computer. If you thought that You are not VIP person :p and thought that What will my computer do by hacking? Yes, maybe someone will not target you, but you can be the victim of this attack. This attack is not affected by the appearance of the person. Having your computer infected means that they get a soldier's growth.

                                                   Fig: Zombie computer

When hackers create an entire army of infected computers, they are called botnets. I think you understand now what is Zombie computer and what is Botnets. Read it again for well understand.
When hackers create an entire army of infected computers, they are called botnets. Only those Botnet commanders can order the zombie computers in that Botnet, and all of these computers are controlled via the Internet. It is impossible to trace botnet from any computer on this system. However, if you want to infect your computer, the crackers must install the virus software on your computer. They send malicious software to your computer by sending spam mails to you, through a P2P network or through any internet website. The cracker changes the name and extension of its malicious software, so that you understand it is any other software or work file. Lets guess Web browsing!!!
Sometimes when you visit a website, or when you open a webpage, you get different popup messages, sometimes there are no offer information in that message, and you are asked to subscribe to the mail.

Each popup has a cross button or a cancell button to cut it. Most of the time we click on the canal button, the cracker can hide the malware download link in this button and the technique can be downloaded to your system..  See this picture and you understand it clearly. These malware files are usually in your familiar file format, usually in image files or in a .MP4 or .PDF file. Because these files are known formatted, you will undoubtedly open them. Now the malware fits in with the computer operating system and gets attached to the auto-start program so that whenever you turn on the computer malware will become active. Through malware, the cracker directly controls your computer's internet traffic and gets permission to remote access your computer. The question is, "Well, how do these crackers create infected computers or create botnets?" The answer is a lot easier, as the cracker tricks you into hijacking your computer, and using your computer to deceive more people in different ways. The main function of crackers is to do it.

                                           Your computer is not zombie?

 I made some points below, you can check. If these points match the behavior of your computer, then maybe your computer has become zombie:

STEP-01: Use your system's processor and RAM to make your computer zombie, the malware or virus that will be installed on your system. As a result, if you notice that your PC is slow working or always using 100% disc, memory, CPU without doing any work, your computer may be infected. 
Check the email messages of your email account, if you think you sent a message, but you have not typed it, but your computer may have been infected.

STEP-02: “” 
You can check if your IP is blacklisted from this link. Your computer may be infected if it is blacklisted.

The last one would like to talk , the person encourages me on my way he is Mr. Bd_Injector  <3 
