You know what about malicious link ?

Most hack attacks are fooling you. Hacking means many people understand a lot. But the real hacking world is a little different. Many people think hackers are sitting on a lot of powerful
systems, running different code and hacking everything in different programming languages.
But most of the time, trying to fool your computer is a lot easier to fool you. Attempt to open a special website or link by mailing you, or by snatching any. If you do not understand the link and click the trap, your system comes to a malware or your data is stolen, or any of your accounts may be hacked. But how do you know, the link that you are clicking on is a malicious link? This article will help you determine whether a link is safe without clicking ...  So guyes, lets see,

 A picture below is given to you to understand,

Fig: example link. Its just for example.

Many times when a link is too large, the whole part of it can not be seen.  Many times the links are hidden in text, which is called anchor text. Again many times, to make you fool, the link is seen in the form of text but inside another, it actually hides another link. For example, click here! I have written "click here" but there is no link to it, you can not see it.

Take your mouse pointer over the Just Link without clicking the link to see the links hidden behind the text, then look at the browser below to see the original link hidden in the browser.
 A picture below is given to you to understand,

 Please click on the link from any mail to see if the mail was supposed to come to you. If you want to click on a link to your email address, please use your present intelligence.  You may have received mail, please viciously bank account, maybe it's a phishing mail. Take a look at the link provided by the mail and click on the link and enter your bank website by Google.

                                   You know what sorted link ??

There are currently a number of short link service, which can fix long links, easy to remember or share. Google also provides such a service.
Well, like as :
This my blog site link ,
Now follow the link, a sorted link bellow is given to you understand,

Notice that the two links take you to the same page, but the link looks different but it is completely different. If a hacker sends you a link to click on a malicious link and you can not understand it, clicking on the link will open a webpage. Even the mouse over the link will not be possible to understand anything. What to do? If you see, which link has been sorted. If the domain name of the link is, etc. before opening that link, check the linking page of the link from

Then, if you think that the link is a prognostic, you can click on Google, then click on the link. If the link is suspecting to you, but if you have curiosity in mind, then there are many online link scanners, such as Norton SafeWeb, URLVoid, ScanURL etc. You can check if the link is safe.

                                          Needed better anti-virus

Of course, a good antivirus program is installed on your computer. Many clever hackers will fool you in such a way, you can not even imagine. A good anti-virus will be safe your system. So focus on it.
It's hard to fool your computer more than you Keep your system updated with good antivirus and keep real time scanning. Antivirus will catch it while downloading automatic malware from a malicious link. If your antivirus program is not the latest updated, it will not be able to catch the latest malicious links, if you accidentally open a bad link for any reason, your system may also cause malware on your system to install the antivirus program.
I'm just saying you ,please uses your brain in the present time. Hacking is a simple magic ,when you understand it then you thought that how stupid i was!!! So be careful

The last one would like to talk , the person encourages me on my way he is Mr, Bd_Injector <3
Allah hafez.

Copy short URL
