Others are using your data everyday

Hello friend. My exam is going on but some things came to my head. I will try to represented it.
Today i will describe you how Facebook steal your personal information and how to use it.
I'm not saying that i'm expert but today i will try to focus it. Ok lets see:

If you think setting your Facebook account into private and hide your secret information then you think well. Yes they've been store your information whether you go offline or online. You can't ever complain against them cause you have given permission to access the account before opening it . If you don't believe ,you should check it before sign. As a result most of the people don't believe it and they asked why Facebook access my account ?Why they steal cookies and data ? Whats their business goal.

Back to the previous day ,when dosen't possible deleting Facebook account. You can deactivated Facebook but still keep all information cause if you want to active your account then you can .
It means that your data is still keep Facebbok.

When you permanently deleted Facebook then show this message. If you think now that your Facebook account is deleted and all personal information that we have can be removed when we delete our account then you think wrong!!
Because when you try to posting or sending message through another user account ,your information still retained even if you have remove your Facebook account.It means that all your information maintain by Facebook. I think you understand what i say.

There are lot of people don't know through our interaction with our friend , Facebook can also track down that we do offline. What topics you talked about and what other emoj you use, who usually chat with you and many other activities disclosed offline. I'm just saying that your online activities and all other information Facebook can track down. It means that Facebook can monitoring your personal message and information.

When you and your friend have a lot of likes , comment and tag of the particular photos then it will be stored Facebook database . Facebook can tracking down through using cookies. Cookies is the small piece of data sent from specific website for stored browser activities. In sum, if you are a kind of person who values personal information, then you have to secure it by being mindful of the things you do online. Every click means another information can of use and keep from you. There’s nothing wrong when you use Facebook, for as long as it won’t do any harm on your part.

Whether you like it or not, one of the main sources of information is your Facebook account. The government can use your personal data found on your profile, especially with the National Security Agency, who usually asks a user’s information under the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act. The information can also be used for court order purposes. Moreover, Facebook has vowed for further transparency with the government access to data.

I'm just trying to represented how Facebook steal your data. I'm starting writing article a few days ago so if have any mistake please feedback.
