You know what KeRanger?

The WannaCry ransomware attack was a May 2017 worldwide cyberattack by the WannaCry ransomware cryptoworm, which targeted computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system by encrypting data. But Ransomware have another type. KeRanger is one of them and infected Mac -OS.Today i will be represented how its distributed .
I'm just try to showing working procedure. So lets see,


KeRanger is one of the Mac Rnsomware that spread via Transmission. 
Working procedure:the malware encrypts your computer files and demands a Bitcoin payment to decrypt it. Transmission is one of the most used non-commercial BitTorrent clients and a popular choice of Mac users. However, the application has earned the tag of being the first OS X program to be infected with ransomware.

Working procedure:

After targeting your Mac, the malware begins encrypting certain types of document and data files. After the process is completed, KeRanger demands that the victim pays one bitcoin ($400) to a specific address to retrieve their files
KeRanger infected Transmission installers are signed with a legitimate Apple-issued certificate but its developer ID is different from the previous versions. The ransomware-infected file also includes an extra file named General.rtf whose icon looks like a normal RTF file but it’s a Mach-O format executable file. “As soon as a user clicks on an infected app, their bundle executable copies this RTF file to ~/Library/kernel_service and executes this “kernel_service” before any user interface appearing

The General.RTF file collects infected Mac’s device information and uploads it to its C2 servers that are accessible over .onion (TOR) domains. The rest part of the functioning includes downloading a text file from C2 server that asks victims to pay the money at the address 
 A picture below is given to you to understand,

Friends i'm just saying that KeRanger is one type of ransomware. You understand WannaCry ransomware. WannaCry infeted windows os and KeRanger infeted Mac operating system.
The last one would like to talk The person who encourages me on my way , 
he is Delwar alam brother.

No system is safe.
Every system is vulnerable.
