How to prevent cyber crime

There is a lot of trust and confidence in computer and internet, especially in e-mail, entertainment or entertainment, online shopping, airline and railway tickets, banking, trading etc.However, the Internet and the computer have brought our new life to ease and brings new unexpected trouble and panic.
Tricksters, terrorists, or hackers are constantly stuck in the cyber world. Need to know, since we engage ourselves in web surfing since then the probability of facing online security threats is increased.Need to know what these risks and fears are. At risk there are viruses, hackers, etc. who can access your system and may be able to handle important information such as credit card details.
Now the question is, how can online security be strengthened?Here are various types of risks and strategies to highlight these risks. It is true that the system can not be completely secure, but there should be some caution in using the Internet, which is summarized below-
Today i'm trying to give you some information for protect yourselves. Lets see guyess,

How to protect personal information and work:

Protect yourself with the related software, so that viruses and trojan horse can not steal or change data on computer. The Trojan Horse program is a program that acts like a real software but works entirely differently.

Update PC with latest antivirus software and patches of operating system. Make sure updates are automatically.

To protect PCs, install a personal firewall and antispyware.
Occasionally change the online password.
Check credit card and bank statement regularly. If you see any abnormalities, immediately inform the authorities concerned.
Modify Internet Explorer or other browser security settings. To get information from the Internet, set the security setting to the Internet zone at a moderate or higher level.

 You know what importance of browser upgrade ??

We often avoid the need for browser upgrades. Browser is a program that accesses data on other networks of the Internet and displays files. Browser programs are regularly updated so that new functionality is added. If the old browser is used, then you can fall into the security risk. Because it is easy to hack into old browsers.

It should be careful about online shopping, although this issue has not been widely available in our country.

You know Cookies ??
When browsing on the Internet, computer data may be collected and stored for cheating. To increase the security level, adjust the privacy level and set the security to block or restrict cookies in a web browser. Make sure other sites are not collecting personal information without your consent. Block or restrict cookies for any third party. If you use the public computer, then you must be sure that cookies are disabled. Otherwise others can access your information. If you use Firefox, pressing Shift + Ctrl + Del keys will appear in a dialog box to clear personal data and history. This is not easy at Internet Explorer. However, using the Tools> Internet Options in the Tools menu, you can do this by running version. for details plzz visit :

Dangerous wireless network

Recently, the terrorists threatened to advance their emails through e-mail for possible terrorist attacks. And this is possible due to the abuse of the wireless network. The criminals and hackers can easily get illegally infiltrated via wireless networks.

The strategies used to keep the network safe are:

Install the firewall directly on the wireless device. Because the attackers can avoid the firewalls of the wireless network.

Provide access to legitimate users only. Each part of the hardware connected to the network has an MAC (Media Access Control) address. You can restrict network access through the MAC address filter. The MAC address is a standard identifier for networking hardware, such as the wireless network adapter. Hackers can capture over the network with detailed information about MAC addresses. MAC filter can protect against hackers in most cases. Find out your device's network adapter MAC address by following the steps described below:

Type win+R  ,
then Type ipconfig / all in the command prompt window and press enter.
Now This will see the physical access address.

Encrypting network data allows anyone to access the network even if data is not able to view data due to encryption.

 Keep SSID (service set identifier) securely. This is WLAN's name
Refrain from publishing the SSID so that outsiders do not have access to the network easily.

I'm just saying you please use your brain and be aware.
Allah hafez.
