Zero-Day Vulnerability

You surely know that any website or any software is essentially made of any code. Fortunately, to install or install any software, you do not need to have any knowledge about coding. The software manufacturers carry all of their responsibilities and release a ready-made software package for you.
Now it is not written anywhere that there can be no defect in the software made by the company; If a software error is found, then the software company again releases a new version software and tries to fix the problem. But sometimes there are some errors in the code of any software or website that the software company or the owner of that website does not even know the user; And here comes the word Zero-Day Vulnerability. Let's learn some information about this article software and website errors and hacking.....

Zero-Day Vulnerability

In the sense of the word "Vulnerability", it is already understood that, it is being said about weaknesses or defects. It is normal to have errors in any system, software, or website.
Software developers find those errors and provide updates to fix them. Sometimes you and some users like me find error and can tell the software company to fix it :p But its not happen.
There is another dark world where bad people live, like black hat hackers; They try to find some tunnel or weak points on any system or software or website that may be in that software but the software maker does not know it. Such system or coding vulnerabilities are basically called "zero-day goodness". If you find any software or system error that someone does not know if there is such error or where there is a problem, then you find the error, attack the software or the system, in order to prevent your attacks and provide security at the moment. There is no longer than 1 day, so this is basically called "zero-day Vulnerability".

Hacking from weaknesses

See software makers try their best to keep their software as safe as possible. But nothing in this digital world is a hack proof. Again it is not only that there may be errors in any software, there may be no error in the software itself, but the third party can use the plugin to make errors in that software.
For example, wordpress. Wordpress is a great way to simplify and easy to build website without any type of coding knowledge. But WordPress alone can not make perfect website for you. Together, more software mixes (plugins) together to create your favorite website. Now WordPress's own security is a lot complicated, but there may be other plug-in errors used in it, and for that, your entire site may come under the vulnerability. Now hackers try to find these weak points. Black hat hackers start doing all the odd cookies after finding these weaknesses. They may attack the software, steal user information, or take control over your PC. Again, after hacking a website, the website owner needs money to return the site. Again, the malicious code on the website caused harm to the users.
If you know, you might be harassed, black hat hackers find a zero-day solicitation and then sell it! Where to sell? -Dark Web's name is surely heard. After purchasing that information, a hacker tries to attack the person directly or blackmail the software or website owner. It is not just hackers that are directly or indirectly involved in this matter, but it is not. Such kind of vulnerability also acquires the government's government from hackers. The government of your country is good for you, but the government of one country enters another country and tries to grab the secret information of another country. In this situation, if a hacker finds a zero-day solicitation of a computing system in a country, many important data can be handled in that country, and the government of another country can buy it from hackers. And since the transaction is with the government of a country, the money can be huge size.

How to protect yourselves ??

Needed anti-virus not unpaid version. Must be paid version.
Software update and patching.
Browser update.

It is understandable that this type of attack can pose a serious security problem. Here the software company or user can be harmed both directly.
I'm just saying that please be aware and just using your brain in this situation.
Allah hafez....
